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E-ZEEWRAP 1000 ft Refill

1000 ft/305 M of Premium quality plastic wrap... stretches clings and seals, microwave and freezer tested

Shipping and taxes not included.

Stop wasting endless boxes of store-bought plastic wrap, and stop wasting time. The E-ZEEWRAP 1000® mounts under your kitchen cabinets to provide you with an instant supply of commercial-grade wrap. Compare that to using conventional boxed plastic wrap. By the time you find the end of the roll, get the roll started, smooth out the tangles and tear, you've wasted minutes. Put the professional quality of E-ZEEWRAP 1000® to work for you in your home.

E-ZEEWRAP 1000 ft Refill


    Call Now 1-800-667-9727 Mon-Fri 8am - 3pm

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